Video Recording Available
You can subscribe to get instant access to the video recording of our Induction and Refresher (I&R) MCQ Crammer Course for 1-12 months here:

Key Points:
- Intensive preparation for the Induction and Refresher MCQ Assessment
- Key theory and technique for both papers - updated to reflect the current exam format
- Realistic timed Mock exams for clinical and PD/SJT papers
- The most comprehensive coverage of Situational Judgement Tests for the PD paper
- Key topics for the Professional Dilemma Paper - Ethics, confidentiality, consent, GMC guidance
- We have helped many doctors boost their scores and pass the Induction and Refresher (I&R) Scheme MCQ over the last 7+ years
- Worldwide LIVE stream option available - prepare from your home!
- 9.30am - 6.15pm
- CPD - 7 hours / 7 Credits
This 1 day course provides focused preparation for the Inductiona and refresher (I&R) MCQ Assessment - we can help you boost your scores for both papers!

This is the MOST COMPREHENSIVE I&R MCQ assessment preparation course available, with over 4.5 hours teaching on the Professional Dilemma paper (Situational Judgement Test questions).
The course covers key theory and skills needed to pass both parts of the MCQ assessment with good scores, as well as providing you the chance to sit mini mock exams for both the Clinical Problem Solving paper and the Professional Dilemma Paper (Situational Judgement Test questions). Feedback and explanations will be provided for both mini mock exams.
Whether you are resitting, or preparing for your 1st attempt and aiming for a top band so you can skip the simulated surgery, this course will help you boost your scores.
The mini mocks will be done under timed conditions, with questions shown on screen in exam format, to give you a feel for the real exam.
The course covers: Clinical Problem Solving paper - types and level of questions, practice questions, reading lists, understanding keywords in the exam. Mini mock exam with feedback.
Professional Dilemma / Situational Judgement Test paper - introduction to Situational Judgement, how to rank scenarios, sample questions, practice questions. Mini mock exam with feedback.
The Course Director and main speaker is Dr Mahibur Rahman, an expert in the GP Recruitment process. He is a GP and Consultant in Medical Education, and has written and taught extensively on Getting into GP Training. He is the author of several books and articles on GP ST Entry, including the first article on Situational Judgement Tests for GP Recruitment (BMJ Careers 2007).

This course is suitable for anyone preparing for the MCQ Assessment / Learning needs assessment as part of the Induction & Refresher Scheme. Whether you are a GP returner after being abroad or having a career break, or a GP new to the UK system - we can help you succeed!
Course Programme
09.30 - Registration
09.45 - Welcome and introduction
09.50 - I&R MCQ / learning needs assessment - exam basics
10.00 - Clinical Problem Solving Paper - how to prepare and sample questions
10.35 - Clinical Problem Solving paper Mini Mock exam
11.15 - Break for Refreshments
11.35 - Clinical Problem Solving paper Mock answers and feedback
12.50 - Lunch*
13.35 - Professional Dilemma Paper (Situational Judgement Test) - how to prepare, key ethical guidance
15.00 - Professional Dilemma paper - SJT mini mock exam
15.50 - Break for Refreshments
16.10 - Professional Dilemma paper Mock answers and feedback
18.00 - Questions and answers
18.15 - Summary and close