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GP ST+: Maximise Your GP Training

Course Details

GPST+ Maximise Your GP Training
You can subscribe to get access to the video recording of our 2024 GPST+ course(6.5+ hours of videos) + 80+ page PDF course booklet for 1-12 months here:

Key Points:
  • 1 day course to help you get the most out of your GP training rotation for all 3 years - ST1-ST3
  • Aimed at doctors starting a GP rotation in August 2024 / February 2025 / already in ST1
  • MRCGP WPBA - what you need to do for ARCP each year, e-portfolio and learning logs made easy + all the new assessments
  • MRCGP AKT - what to expect, sample questions and how to prepare so you pass 1st time
  • MRCGP Simulated Consultation Assessment (SCA) - what to expect, sample cases, and how to prepare so you pass 1st time
  • Courses and qualifications to do during your training to help you after CCT
  • Portfolio careers - what is a portfolio GP, how to develop a portfolio career including GP with specialist interest (GPSI)
  • Contracts - working week, salary and expenses in your GP registrar years
  • Medicolegal issues in GP - common reasons for complaints and how to avoid them
  • 9.30am - 5.30pm
  • CPD - 6 hours / 6 Credits
1 day course for doctors that have secured a GP ST rotation / those already in ST1. This course will help you plan for all 3 years of GP training, and provide useful, practical advice to help you get the most out of your rotations, understand how to pass all 3 parts of MRCGP and maximise your training.

The course will cover:

MRCGP - an overview of all 3 parts
All you need to know about gaining Membership of the Royal College of General Practitioners (MRCGP)

MRCGP Work Place Based Assessment (WPBA) - including the e-portfolio and the 10 different types of learning logs, practical exercise on writing effective learning log entries, the 7 assessment types, writing effective PDPs, undesrtanding ARCP outcomes and how to get through ARCP

MRCGP Applied Knowledge Test (AKT) and the Simulated Consultation Assessment (SCA) - exam format, what is tested, sample AKT questions / example SCA cases. What to do and when to do it during your rotation. Common reasons for failure and how to avoid them. How to prepare so you pass all your exams the first time!

Courses and qualification to do during your training
Which courses and qualifications might help you after you qualify? Costs and exams for some of the most useful diplomas and certificates that you can do during training.

Contracts - working week and salary in your GP Registrar year
How many clinical sessions / educational sessions should you be doing? Out of Hours requirements, extended hours, salary and expenses as a GP registrar and details of the GPR contract

Becoming a portfolio GP / GP with Specialist Interest (GPSI / GPwSI)
What is a portfolio GP? How and why you might want to develop a portfolio career. Accreditation as a GPSI. Portfolio GP career options and case studies of portfolio GPs / GPs with specialist interests.

Medicolegal issues in General Practice

Common reasons for patient complaints and how to avoid them. Risk management. Keeping accurate medical records. Patient confidentiality.

Important paperwork for GP rotations
What paperwork you need to get sorted out before you start, and important documentation within the first few months of starting a GP post including DBS, performers list, car insurance, indemnity and annual Form R.

Expenses you can claim when starting and during a GP ST rotation
Travel expenses, removal expenses, house rental / purchase related costs, indemnity, travel for home visits + much more!

The secrets to being a successful GP trainee
How to get the most out of your training, tips on becoming a great GP.

The Course Director and main speaker is Dr Mahibur Rahman. He is a portfolio GP and Consultant in Medical Education, and has written and taught extensively on GP Training, MRCGP and GP careers. He has taught over 62,000 delegates, helping doctors in every deanery succeed in GP training since 2005.

Course Programme

09.35 Welcome and introduction
09.40 Paperwork, pay and contracts during GP training
10.00 Trainee money matters - expenses to claim, how to increase take home pay
10.30 Medicolegal issues in General Practice
11.10 Break
11.25 Courses to do during your training
12.15 MRCGP WPBA / e-portfolio and learning logs
13.15 Lunch
14.00 MRCGP AKT - what to expect and how to prepare
14.40 MRCGP SCA - what to expect and how to prepare
15.30 Break
15.45 Becoming a portfolio GP / GP with special interest
16.45 Questions and answers
17.00 Secrets to being a successful GP trainee
17.30 Summary and Close

Course Feedback

"Very detailed for a newcomer. I liked the fact that the course also covered the non clinical bits like expenses , pre-employment paperwork . I would suggest every one should attend this course before starting training. Even if one thinks they know everything, there is still a lot of information to gain."

"Amazing course . Dr Rahman gave me a very wide view of GP training and what to expect . At least I know now that there won’t be any surprises for me and I know what to expect from day 1 and how to make the most of my training."

"Excellent. Clear description and explanation of all of the exams we need to sit and how to prepare, and how assessments work during ST1. Advice and tips on how to do well in training, and explanations of how to develop a special interest and make it possible"

"Thank you very much for the course, it has been an eye opener!"

"Before the course I only knew 10-20% of what I should do, now I know more than 90%, it’s made a big difference!"

"I felt very supported in this course, I’ve been a specialist in Obs & Gynae for several years and I’m entering quite late into the programme to GP …. It was extremely helpful, from all points of view, from assessments, exams and even how to do things beyond the portfolio as Portfolio GP."

"Thank you very much for this course, I really feel excited now to go into training!"

"Very grateful to yourself and the whole Emedica team. Today was, very effectively communicated…. I’m already a GP trainee and I felt a bit lost when I started, you’ve not just given us a picture of what happens in GP training but the vision forward which is really motivating"

"Thank you so much for the course…. you broke it down to the basics and I’m confident now to go into the GP training programme."

"It was excellent, so comprehensive, looked at multiple areas… the information on the eportfolio was really helpful."

"I did not know how to plan going through these 3 years and how to be a successful GP and I think your course has covered it all!"

"Thank you so much for the whole course, it was very informative and it gave me a panoramic view of everything….I like that you gave us an idea what it would be like not just in training but after training and the opportunities that are available."

"Thank you so much for the course and the more I know about GP, the more excited I am about it….it has taken the anxiety off joining GP!"

"Thank you for organising the webinar, it’s been really helpful, especially for international graduates!"

"Very beneficial information especially about contracts, GP sessions, the work based assessments and e-portfolio. I think if I follow your guidance and your support, I would pass all the examinations successfully! This course is amazing!"

"The quality of the presentation has been awesome, not just the way you present but the audio visuals. Essentially, you’ve taken us through what we need to know to successfully navigate through this journey!"

"It’s been a wonderful day, I was sceptical at the beginning as I’ve not been associated with any form of general practice coming from a different speciality, I really liked the flow of topics all through the day and you touched on so many essentials things which are key towards a very successful training programme."

"Thank you so much for the course, it was very helpful. My first rotation is going to be in GP, so I was quite anxious, you are really are an inspiration!"

"I felt equipped with all the knowledge needed to excel as a GP trainee. I learned about the mistakes one can make and how to avoid them. I leaned practically what would be expected of me and what I needed to do to succeed. Everyone who is starting GP needs to attend this!"

"I like that I was able to livestream the course - I am not currently in the UK. Very useful and practical information received. Gave a good overview of what to expect and how best to prepare to be successful."

Very informative and training oriented. Addressed many of my queries. Will definitely be attending further courses in future"

"I would like to thank Dr Rahman for the great information that I managed to get from his course (starting GP training). I believe it’s a very useful and unique guide for anyone who is starting the GP training not because it provides you with information, but because he gives you a lot of practical tips which could save you a lot of money and effort and which you won’t be able to find in books. It’s mainly the result of his long exposure and experience with the pathway of GP training ."

"Useful information about getting started including important paperwork and claimable expenses were provided which I had no idea about! Also gave a clear insight into the MRCGP components and ways to prepare for it. Highly recommended course!"

"All prerequisites for gp training discussed, including three year e portfolio requirements. Comprehensive, valid information, discussions regarding relevant courses which could be undertaken during training to enhance/uplift our gp career."

"All the essential details were well presented and time dedicated to answering questions."

"I liked every part of the course. I feel all set up and ready to start training as all that was discussed was relevant to the training."

"I loved that we touched on details like car insurance, expenses that can be claimed. About how to survive in GP practice. What and how to ask, what to expect with AKT and CSA"

Telephone: 0121 744 6433 email: info@emedica.co.uk