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MRCGP AKT Pass Guarantee Programme

MRCGP AKT Pass Guarantee Programme

MRCGP AKT Pass Guarantee Programme

Click here for course description

MRCGP AKT Pass Guarantee Programme - April 2025 - 150 day programme starting Sunday 1st December 2024 - Save over £675!

  • This programme has already started. If you are sitting the April exam and still need our support please email us at info@emedica.co.uk   
  • Includes MRCGP
    AKT course + AKT 200 Crammer
    + 10 x AKT Webinars + access
    to AKT online until the exam
    + Clinical Case Cards + 4 x
    AKT mocks- worth over £1770!   



MRCGP AKT Pass Guarantee Programme - April 2025 - 90 day programme starting Thursday 30th January 2025 - Save over £675!

  • Includes MRCGP
    AKT course + AKT 200 Crammer
    + 10 x AKT Webinars + access
    to AKT online until the exam
    + Clinical Case Cards + 4 x
    AKT mocks- worth over £1770!   



MRCGP AKT Pass Guarantee Programme - July 2025 - 90 day programme starting Thursday 10th April 2025 - Save over £675!

  • Includes MRCGP
    AKT course + AKT 200 Crammer
    + 10 x AKT Webinars + access
    to AKT online until the exam
    + Clinical Case Cards + 4 x
    AKT mocks- worth over £1770!   



Programme Details

We will not be running a 150 day programme for the July exam.

New - pay in 2 or 3 installments 1st payment now, subsequent payments monthly:

MRCGP AKT Pass Guarantee Package

Interested in a future MRCGP AKT Pass Guarantee Programme? Join our waiting list.

Dr Rahman has helped several thousand doctors pass the MRCGP AKT over the last 15+ years. Based on research during this time, our team has developed a unique programme that guarantees you will pass your AKT. The strutured programme is designed to overcome the most common reasons for failure which include: not allowing enough time to prepare, not covering the clinical curriculum systematically, poor exam technique, and poor confidence with statistics and the organisational domain. The programme includes:

MRCGP AKT Pass Guarantee Programme

We have two versions of the Pass Guarantee Programme available - either 90 days or 150 days - the content and learning is the same, the 150 day programme spreads the learning out over a longer period of time.

How does the 90 day AKT pass guarantee programme work? Simple - you have to allow at least 90 days of daily study, to go through the planned revision we send you. You have to complete all the questions we send you, attend the 2 full day courses, 9 webinars and go through the case cards. We have done the planning and spent hundreds of hours reading and condensing key guidelines in a way that will allow you to cover the curriculum in over 225 hours of guided study. As well as the Emedica material, you will also be sent reading from other sources such as the RCGP and NICE CKS. In total we will cover over 4,500 questions. As part of the programme we will get you to complete self assessments so we can tailor the latter part of the programme to your specific needs and give you additional support for areas that you need to improve on the most. We can only do this by keeping the numbers for the Pass Guarantee programme limited.

As long as you have read each email and do the work sent to you within 24 hours, attend all the live courses and sessions and complete all the mock exams, we are so confident that you will pass, that if you don't we will refund you every penny you paid, or allow you to reattend everything for the next sitting for FREE - your choice! We are confident you won't need it though, as the package is designed so that you will be prepared to not just pass, but to fly through your exam!

Please note, the programme does need you to commit to study every day of the programme, including an average of 1.5 hours a day during the week, and 2-3 hours each day on the weekend, as well as attend all the live teaching. If you do not complete any of the work on time, or do not attend any of the sessions, you will not be eligible for the guarantee.

How does the 150 day AKT pass guarantee programme work? Simple - we send you work to do every other day for the first 120 days of the programme, then every day for the last 30 days before the exam. This 5 month programme is designed for doctors who, due to work or personal commitments, are unable to commit to the intense nature of our 90 day AKT PGP; or who simply prefer a more sedate pace for their revision. This programme will give you everything the 90 day programme provides.

Please note, this programme does need you to commit to study in accordance with the programme schedule for the entire 5 month period. The emails and associated reading / questions provide an average of 1.5 hours each time during the week, and 2-3 hours each time on the weekend. If any part of the programme is incomplete, either work not completed on time, or any sessions missed, you will no longer be eligible for the guarantee.

April 2025 AKT Pass Guarantee Programme will start from Sunday 1st December 2024 (150 day programme) or Thursday 30th January 2025 (90 day programme). The content and learning is exactly the same - dates are shown below:

How to Pass the AKT webinar (4 hrs) - instant access - please watch before the start of the programme
Orientation webinar: Thursday 28th November 2024 (150 day programme) / Wednesday 29th January 2025 (90 day programme) - 8pm-8.30pm
High yield revision webinar 1: Tuesday 10th December 2024 (150 day programme) / Wednesday 5th February 2025 (90 day programme) - 8pm-9pm
High yield revision webinar 2: Wednesday 15th January 2025 (150 day programme) / Thursday 13th February 2025 (90 day programme)- 8pm-9pm
AKT Preparation Course: Saturday 22nd February 2025 - 9.30am-6.15pm
High yield revision webinar 3: Wednesday 12th March 2025 - 8pm-9.15pm
Statistics Made Simple webinar: Saturday 5th April 2025 - 9.30am-1.30pm
Organisational Domain Organised webinar: Saturday 5th April 2025 - 2.30pm-6.30pm
High Yield Clinical Crammer 1 webinar: Wednesday 9th April 2025 - 7pm-10.30pm
High Yield Clinical Crammer 2 webinar: Thursday 10th April 2025 - 7pm-10.30pm
AKT 200 Mock Crammer: Saturday 12th April 2025 - 9.00am-6.35pm
High yield revision webinar 4: Wednesday 16th April 2025 - 8pm-9pm
High yield revision webinar 5: Tuesday 29th April 2025- 8pm-9pm
If you are unable to commit the time, or cannot attend, then this package is not for you.

July 2025 AKT Pass Guarantee 90 Day Programme will start from Thursday 10th April 2025 - dates are shown below:

How to Pass the AKT webinar (4 hrs) - instant access - please watch before the start of the programme
Orientation webinar: Monday 7th April 2025 - 8pm-8.30pm
High yield revision webinar 1: Thursday 17th April 2025 - 8pm-9pm
High yield revision webinar 2: Wednesday 30th April 2025 - 8pm-9pm
AKT Preparation Course: Saturday 17th May 2025 - 9.30am-6.15pm
High yield revision webinar 3: Wednesday 21st May 2025 - 8pm-9.15pm
Statistics Made Simple webinar: Saturday 31st May 2025 - 9.30am-1.30pm
Organisational Domain Organised webinar: Saturday 31st May 2025 - 2.30pm-6.30pm
High Yield Clinical Crammer 1 webinar: Wednesday 4th June 2025 - 7pm-10.30pm
High Yield Clinical Crammer 2 webinar: Thursday 5th June 2025 - 7pm-10.30pm
AKT 200 Mock Crammer: Saturday 14th June 2025 - 9.00am-6.35pm
High yield revision webinar 4: Wednesday 25th June 2025 - 8pm-9pm
High yield revision webinar 5: Tuesday 8th July 2025- 8pm-9pm
If you are unable to commit the time, or cannot attend, then this package is not for you.

We will not be running a 150 day programme for the July exam.

You can create your own package and attend some of the courses or webinars separately - please see details of what they cover via the links below:

The Course Director and main speaker is Dr Mahibur Rahman. He is a Portfolio GP in Birmingham and a Consultant in Medical Education. He has helped thousands of doctors succeed in their Membership examinations since 2006 and passed his own MRCGP with merit. Dr Rahman has taught AKT courses on behalf of HEE East of England, HEE KSS, and joint AKT preparation course with RCGP Beds and Herts - these were run as national revision courses booked via the RCGP website. You can find out more about him HERE.

MRCGP AKT course feedback

“I am very pleased to tell you I passed my AKT first time! I am overwhelmed and so pleased that my hard work and dedication to your programme has paid off!... I found your PGP invaluable. The daily emails kept me on track and motivated. The revision timetable was useful as I didn’t have to worry about not covering topics. I particularly liked the high yield checklist to ensure I had covered important topics again closer to the exam. Your programme and guidance made me feel confident and ready for the exam day.”

Dr V J - Passed AKT

“I just wanted to let you know I passed with an overall score of 87.94%! I am so pleased and so very grateful for your excellent teaching webinars through the PGP. Your teaching style is brilliant, very informative yet light and funny at times which all helps in remembering. My breakdown of results was 86.16% clinical, 100% stats, 90% admin. I really enjoyed the PGP, it kept me focused through the 150 days and ensured I kept a steady studying pace. The biggest help for me personally was the stats & admin as well as the timed practice questions through the programme.”

Dr G P - Passed AKT

“Alhamdulillah I have passed my AKT on second attempt. PGP was really helpful and I learned lots of things which I didn’t know when I did my first attempt. Thank you for all your help and motivation.”

Dr N B - Passed AKT

“Very happy and pleased to inform you that by God's grace and your amazing guidance, mentoring and encouragement throughout the AKT pass guarantee programme, I passed my AKT today with overall score of 80.4%, in first attempt.”

Dr R P - Passed AKT

I passed!!!! With a score of 74.87% this was my 5th and final attempt and I must say I had very little hope that I would be successful, you restored my hope and made me feel confident in my knowledge. I loved your PGP program it was perfectly structured, engaging and made me giggle at times which I very much needed. I had previously signed up to other AKT programs and can say that yours is exceptional and I would recommend to anyone attempting the AKT I wish I had done it sooner!”

Dr B S - Passed AKT

“I passed on my third attempt and only thing I done differently this time round is join the PGP programme!! I genuinely believe that’s the reason I passed now!”

Dr F S - Passed AKT

"Thank you for all of the help with passing my AKT. It was my second attempt, and I had just finished the challenging first trimester of pregnancy when I realised I had around 90 days to do my AKT. I bought a pass guarantee program, and it was the best choice I have ever made. I would have never passed that without the program's structured learning, useful webinars and materials."

Dr K D - Passed AKT

"I was part of the 90 day programme and I need to thank you as I passed the exam with a score of 91%. I got 100% in admin, 80% in stats and 91% in clinical."

Dr H M - Passed AKT

"I passed the AKT on first sitting in Jan 2023 sitting. The PGP was very useful especially with trying to help to focus on the revision and condensed admin and stats revision webinars, as I was unsure how to revise this. I think the approach of not always focusing on the scores but rather on improvement of knowledge is a good approach. The wats app revision group was also invaluable."

Dr B A - Passed AKT

"I am delighted to inform you that I have passed my AKT exam. I cannot thank you enough for all your guidance. I did believe in the PGP and followed everyday email religiously which has played an instrumental role in passing AKT in my first attempt. Thank you so much to you and to the whole Emedica team."

Dr N R - Passed AKT

"I wanted to write and say a big thank you. I sat my 4th attempt at my AKT in Jan 23 and finally passed! I did the AKT pass guarantee programme and wanted to say how much it helped to keep me focused and motivated."

Dr J H - Passed AKT

"I passed my AKT resit after completing your AKT PGP! I actually smashed it, scoring 87% overall with 88% in the clinical domain! I don't have enough words to thank all the eMedica team for the amazing programme, support, and contribution to my development.
I strongly believe that the programme is absolutely fantastic, particularly if you are prepared to work hard and be diligent and consistent. Needless to say, there was hardly any topic in the actual exam that I had not come across during the programme."

Dr P A - Passed AKT

"I wanted to say a big THANK YOU! I passed my AKT on my first attempt with a score of 82.5%. This was after participating in your 90 day programme. I couldn't have done it working full time, without this course and all the support I received from yourself, Anna and the team. I didn't only just pass the AKT, but also feel like my knowledge improved heaps with your support and I'm a better doctor for it!"

Dr R D- Passed AKT

"Thank you so much for the Pass Guarantee Programme. I passed. 82.5%. Amazing! If not for the programme I know I wouldn't have studied as much as I did. The discipline was exactly what I needed. Having a deadline for submission gave me the added incentive."

Dr G A - Passed AKT

"With God's Grace and your guidance through 150 days PGP program, I managed to get 82% in the my first attempt while being in ST2 having barely 2 months of experience being in GP practice."

Dr S Y - Passed AKT

"I passed with a score of 79.50%. The PGP program was very helpful in providing the structure I needed to revise the huge curriculum."

Dr K A - Passed AKT

"I am pleased to say I passed the AKT! I am so thankful for the pass guarantee programme - particularly for the structure and support throughout - this was truly invaluable to me as the AKT at first glance seemed like an overwhelming challenge amidst work and life! The content covered in the question bank and the teaching webinars and courses was very reflective of the content and question style of the real exam. I scored 81.5% overall (80% clinical, 80% evidence based practice, 95% organisation and management)."

Dr R A- Passed AKT

"Thank you for amazing Pass Guarantee Programme. It has been of great help to me to focus heavily on clinical knowledge domain which was my weak area. The course was well structured to read and understand CKS topics well. All the webinars were of great help and helped to consolidate knowledge plus some extremely useful exam technique tips to work efficiently during the exam."

Dr A K - Passed AKT

"Thank you so much for your guidance & Support. The PGP was absolutely contributory in ensuring my success in this exam-1st attempt! Thanks Dr Mahibur Rahman and the wonderful team."

Dr O S - Passed AKT

"Hi, just wanted to say thank you to Emedica team. I attended your 150PGP and have passed the exam in April sitting in first attempt."

Dr S K - Passed AKT

Telephone: 0121 744 6433 email: info@emedica.co.uk